Catered Productions
277 Peterson Rd Libertyville, Illinois 60048About
Our dedication to providing the best quality and food service is a passion shared by our entire catering staff. Our culinary experts work magic in the kitchen, using only the choicest ingredients to ensure the quality of our menus and the elegance of its presentation. Our event staff strives to anticipate your every need and do everything to ensure your event is a success.
With menus designed for all budgets, you get exactly what you need to make your event a memorable one. One of our event planners will help prepare your menu, assist you in finding a venue, provide tent and table rentals, liquor and beverage service, and entertainment.
With menus designed for all budgets, you get exactly what you need to make your event a memorable one. One of our event planners will help prepare your menu, assist you in finding a venue, provide tent and table rentals, liquor and beverage service, and entertainment.
Products & Services Offered
Rentals & Décor
277 Peterson Rd
Libertyville, Illinois 60048