6730 Roosevelt Ave Ste 103 Middletown, Ohio 45005


Along with renting the most up-to-date technology, also provides a full range of event services. From on-site IT to event engagement, we can help you create a fantastic exhibit with a lasting impression. We can even assist with software solutions, registration, and production — service is the cornerstone of what we do. is more than just a technology rental company. We offer customer support for all projects and exhibitions requiring the rental and configuration of technology equipment, as well as a host of services including Exhibitor Production Services, Presentation Services, Video Production Services, and Software Services tailored specifically to suit your needs. *Limited service areas available for some services.

Products & Services Offered

Event & Venue Management Software
Rentals & Décor
Technology & Software Services


6730 Roosevelt Ave
Ste 103
Middletown, Ohio 45005

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